Health & Safety Excellence Award - Marine


Visit our 'How to Enter' page for our Items Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide. CLICK HERE.

Once you have created your PDF submission and you have all items in the Items Checklist, submit your entry via the Online Entry Form. CLICK HERE.

The award recognises the organisation in Ireland’s marine and maritime industries that has demonstrated exceptional health and safety excellence over the last 12 months. Entries may be made for best practice in health and safety, compliance to standards, training, or technical and behavioural improvements. The judges would like to see clear examples of how you benchmark your current policies and practices against current legislative requirements. Entry is by a 5 A4 page submission; the judges will be looking for clear backed up by facts and figures that pays particular attention to the criteria listed below.

Entry is by a 5-page A4 PDF submission; the judges will be looking for a clear plan and evidence that it is delivering on core objectives, paying attention to the criteria listed below.

  • Outline: Please outline the processes and initiatives introduced by your organisation to tackle workplace health and safety, highlighting any relevant accreditations achieved.
  • Commitment & Responsibility: Provide details of who is responsible for developing and implementing the safety programmes and initiatives, outlining the level of senior management buy-in and the commitments made to staff training and communication of the initiatives.
  • Organisational Targets: Does the organisation set itself safety performance targets? If so, how are they set and what do they include.
  • Innovation: Outline any particularly innovative uses of health & safety materials, products, or methods.
  • Outcomes & Results: Please provide evidence of results. How have the process and initiatives contributed to the welfare of staff, third parties and the general public? How is the impact measured?
  • Supporting facts & statements: Please include any other statements or facts that support your entry.